TRA Online TIN Registration: The Tanzania Revenue Authority – TRA created a self-service online platform that enables TRA Online TIN Registration. This is in an effort to improve on service delivery and enhance efficiency. The service is accessible 24/7. This System is integrated with National Identification System for proof of individual identity during registration process. The System requires that each applicant has a National Identification Number (NIN) that has been issued by National Identification Authority (NIDA).
What Does TIN stand for: Tax payer identification Number
We have shared below a step-by-step procedure for the TRA Online TIN Registration.
Here is a link to the TIN Registration: . You can find the Same directly via the TRA website under do it online then Online TIN Registration.
Step By Step on How to Register TIN online – TRA Online TIN Registration
After you click on the links above, the system will redirect you to the registration portal. Your Screen will show an image like the one below.
Click register to continue registration.
Then enter your National ID and Mobile Number captured during national ID registration and then Click Next button. An illustration is in the image below.
A prompt to Enter One Time Password (OTP) will appear. You will receive the OTP on your mobile phone. After you input your OTP, Click Next.
If the mobile number is wrong or not entered correctly, the system will authenticate user by using random security questions that relate to the details of provided during National ID registration. You will then enter the correct answers to the security question and the click next.
Then Select the Options for communicating login credentials (Email and Phone) and enter Email/Mobile Phone, then Click Submit.
TRA Password Change – TRA Online TIN Registration
Enter the received login credentials and new password then Click Change Password. Once you create a new password, click ok. Then the system will be redirect you to log in as shown in the image below.
Enter your ID Number and the password you created then log in. The system will prompt you to enter a one-time passcode – OTP. You will receive the OTP either your mobile phone or email depending on your choice of communication.
Once you have logged in, click on the APPLY TIN Tab as shown in the image below. Then Choose the Kind of Tax Payer you are, I.e., Select Non-Business TIN or Business TIN.
Fill in all the required details as prompted, then click Submit. After This go back to the home page and Click TIN Status to view your application status for the TIN. From this you can see your application status. You can then print your TIN certificate by Clicking on Print Certificate.
For more Details visit
You can also contact TRA via Telephone number 0800 750 075 / 0800 780 078
Or Email: